Friday, January 30, 2009

Arrival in India

This is my first official posting from India! Right now I'm sitting lobby of my hotel in Delhi, two days into our stay. We got in very late Wednesday night,checked into the hotel and got some sleep. We are staying in a posh neighborhood of Delhi, the south side. On Thursday we got up, had breakfast, did an orientation introduction, and then played a name game. Everybody had already got acquainted with one another on the plane and in the airports so it was slightly repetitive, but fun. Then we had a burning questions section--everyone was super paranoid about malaria. Then we went to Humayan's Tomb, a former Mughal emperor who had a massive tomb built in the center of Delhi. It was absolutely stunning. As we were walking around a bunch of school boys probably 12 or 13 years old were following us around asking to take our picture and be our boyfriends. It was hilarious. Then, we got in our vans, took them to a famous Vegetarian Thali Restaurant where essentially you get all you can eat fixins and rice (lentils, coconut chutney, the yummy stuff). It was amazing and apparently there was a Delhi political having lunch in the restaurant at the same time as us! After lunch we went to a East-West clinic to speak with a doctor about culture shock and illness in India. It was pretty repetitive for me, but I still enjoyed it. At night we went to an arts bazaar and food court for dinner. Then we came back and crashed! My roommate for these two nights has been fine. I think she is just really freaked out about the whole experience and is superrrrr shy. However, everyone else is AWESOME. The group is really diverse and fun and have made a bunch of friends so far. But I must go to breakfast and then in the bus for 6 hours to Jaipur.